Daily Devotionals

Escaping Ordinary Week 2: Saturday

 And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. Acts 2:44

Author Jennie Allen writes in her book Find Your People that “all too often we’re tempted to do life alone, whether because we’re so busy or because relationships feel risky and hard.” This temptation, she writes, leads to “an epidemic of loneliness.” However, there is a better way to live than living alone without experiencing the blessings a community can bring. The early church knew it and set an example for us to follow.

We learn in Acts 2 that the early church took taking care of each other and living life together seriously. This chapter of Acts teaches that “all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.” (verse 44). This way of living is radical. It is entirely counter-cultural to our world today, where the world tells us to look out for ourselves first and foremost. Instead, the early church chose to follow Christ’s example and live differently. They met together and often shared everything that they had. They even “sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need” (verse 45). The church was wholly committed to each other. As they lived this way, worshiping God and taking care of each other, “each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved” (verse 47). 

My friend, there is much that we can learn from this picture of the early church and the way they lived life together. We often live far more individualistically than Christ called us to live. The truth is, however, that when we give our lives to Christ, we join other followers of Christ and have the privilege of living life together, looking out for each other, and sharing our lives. Paul says in Philippians 2:4, “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” If we want to join in this calling, we must consciously care for the followers of Christ around us and live life with them, meeting needs and reaching out for help. We must share meals. Yes, it takes effort, but the benefits far outweigh the work required to live life in this way.

Moving toward action

One of the best ways to experience community is to join a small group. Now is a great time to plug in and experience community if you are not in a small group. Sign up for a group at sagebrush.church/groups. If you are in a group, reflect on how your group has impacted your life for a few minutes. Then, think of one way you can serve your group this week. Maybe you can take snacks to your next small group meeting. Maybe someone in your group needs encouragement, or maybe your group can send them a card with a gift card to their favorite coffee shop. Whatever you decide, find a way to serve your group today. 

Going Deeper

Philippians 2:1-11 (NLT)

"Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? 2 Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.

3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

6 Though he was God,
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,
8 he humbled himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

9 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
and gave him the name above all other names,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father."