Daily Devotionals

The Relationship Playbook: Week 6- Thursday

Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, my coworkers in the ministry of Christ Jesus. In fact, they once risked their lives for me. I am thankful to them, and so are all the Gentile churches. Romans 16:3-4

Whenever I have participated in a mission trip or service project, one thing that has always pleasantly surprised me is the bond that I have felt with the group I am serving with. Service brings people together and bonds them in new ways. As each individual serves, the group of people grows together and encourages each other. More than growing together, however, is the fact that serving honors God. Because of this, one way to grow in our relationships, particularly our marriages, is to serve together. In serving together, marriages grow, become stronger, and honor the Lord. Our study today will remind us that one of the key things followers of Christ can do is serve Him.

This week, we have been looking at Priscilla and Aquila, a couple who lived lives that honored God. Throughout the New Testament, we find out details about this couple in their lives. In Romans 16, Paul refers to them as his "coworkers in the ministry of Christ Jesus" who "once risked their lives for [Paul]." In other words, Aquila and Priscilla modeled a lifestyle of service. When they gave their lives to Christ and began following Him, they committed to a life of service, teaching, having worship services, and serving Paul to help him in his ministry. They took their call to know Christ and to make Him known seriously, and one of the ways they did that was through their service.

As followers of Christ, our call is to serve Christ and others, just like it was Priscilla and Aquila's call. If you are married, you and your spouse have the opportunity to serve together. Look for opportunities to serve this week. As you and your spouse find ways to know Christ and make Him known through your service, you will have a great impact, and your marriage will also become stronger as a result.

Moving Toward Action

How are you serving the Lord? If you are married, how are you serving the Lord together? Take some time to strategically think of one thing you can do this week to serve. If you are married, do this with your spouse. Take a meal to someone who is hurting. Volunteer to serve in the church. Find out more information about mission trips taking place or how you can help support missions. Commit to living a lifestyle of service today.

Going Deeper

Read Romans 16:1-16 (NLT)

I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a deacon in the church in Cenchrea. Welcome her in the Lord as one who is worthy of honor among God’s people. Help her in whatever she needs, for she has been helpful to many, and especially to me.

Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in the ministry of Christ Jesus. In fact, they once risked their lives for me. I am thankful to them, and so are all the Gentile churches. Also give my greetings to the church that meets in their home.

Greet my dear friend Epenetus. He was the first person from the province of Asia to become a follower of Christ. Give my greetings to Mary, who has worked so hard for your benefit. Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews, who were in prison with me. They are highly respected among the apostles and became followers of Christ before I did. Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend in the Lord. Greet Urbanus, our co-worker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys.

Greet Apelles, a good man whom Christ approves. And give my greetings to the believers from the household of Aristobulus. Greet Herodion, my fellow Jew. Greet the Lord’s people from the household of Narcissus. Give my greetings to Tryphena and Tryphosa, the Lord’s workers, and to dear Persis, who has worked so hard for the Lord. Greet Rufus, whom the Lord picked out to be his very own; and also his dear mother, who has been a mother to me.

Give my greetings to Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers and sisters who meet with them. Give my greetings to Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and to Olympas and all the believers who meet with them. Greet each other with a sacred kiss. All the churches of Christ send you their greetings.