Daily Devotionals

Worship Week 1: Monday

Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Psalm 15:1-2

We hear the word “worship” often. We go to a worship service, listen to worship music, worship during services, and more. Because we hear and use this word often, we may be so used to hearing and using it that we do not often stop to pause and think about what it means to worship God. You see, we often think about worship as an isolated event that we participate in, and then we move on with our day. In reality, worship is more than the moments we set aside to attend a service and the songs we sing. Worship is a lifestyle.

David dedicated many Psalms to worship. One of these Psalms is Psalm 15. In this Psalm, he wrote, “Who may worship in Your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter into Your presence on Your holy hill?” (Verse 1). Now, David was asking in these verses who is able to come to worship God. His answer is enlightening. He said, “Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts” (verse 2). In his answer, David revealed something important for us to understand about worship. He explained that worship is not just the act of going to a place to worship. It is also what we do leading up to a place to worship. To truly worship God is to offer up our whole lives. True worship means that we live “blamelessly.” When we live blamelessly, we live with integrity, honoring God in everything we do. God is not just concerned about how we live for the hour we come to a church service. He is concerned about how we live our whole lives.

Friends, God desires that each one of us lives a blameless life. This lifestyle of living blamelessly is genuine worship, seeking to honor Him in everything we do. What steps can you take to worship God with your life every day, not out of duty, but delight in honoring the King who loves you so much that He sent Jesus to rescue and offer eternal life to all who believe in Him?

Moving toward action

Evaluate your life for the next few minutes. Are you living a lifestyle of worship in everything that you do? What is one area that you find yourself holding back? Confess that area to God now. Tell Him you have been holding back, and commit to turning that area over to Him now.

Going Deeper

Psalm 15:1-2 (NLT)

"Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?
Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?
2 Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right,
speaking the truth from sincere hearts."