Elementary: Weekly Devotional

The Greatest Story Ever Told- Week One

Hello Elementary Familes!

There is NO Devotion this week, however if you would like to do a small activity here it is: 

Small group activity:
Supplies needed: Some paper and pencils
Directions: Ask the kids to write down 5 promises that they have made before. Make sure that
they are appropriate. After a few minutes once they are done with the list have them go
through the list and mark which of the promises that they kept. Leaders make 2 lists make one
of promises you made and one of some of God’s promises from the following verses
Isaiah 41:10
Deuteronomy 31:8
Genesis: 9:11
Mark 9:31
Let them know that sometimes we don’t always keep our promises but we can always trust God
to keep his promises. Like how God promised us Jesus from the very beginning