Remix: Student Devotionals

Authentic Faith - Week 2, Day 3

Day 3: You Need to Get Dunked (Baptism)

In the church I grew up in, they had this beautiful place to baptize people. It was made of glass. From the top of the person's head to the bottom of their feet, we could see it all. 

There was one young boy named Mike who put his faith, his trust, his everything in Jesus, and now it was time for him to be baptized. Well, Mike had never put his head underwater before, and he was scared to death of being dunked, especially in front of hundreds of people who could watch everything from head to toe. His friends, including me, kept telling him, "Gee, Mike, I hope the preacher doesn't forget to bring you back up. He's already killed ten other kids just like you." Mike was upset and not at all looking forward to his baptism. 

The day finally came. Mike was dressed in a white robe and placed into the baptismal water. He looked out of the corner of his eyes to see his little buddies praying for him and teasing him, making faces, pretending to drown. Mike was petrified. 

The preacher put his hand in the air, "I baptize you, my son, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." His hand came down, and Mike felt himself going back down into the cool water. Suddenly Mike's feet began to kick, I mean KICK. His arms began to beat the water. Suddenly in that huge glass tank, Mike turned, opened his eyes at the congregation, and began to scream underwater. We all watched the bubbles come to the top. The pastor let go of him, and Mike shot out of the water like a rocket. The choir was totally drenched, and I was crying because it was so stinking funny. I'll never forget that Sunday. 

Even though sometimes baptism can be funny, like when a person slips and falls up or down the steps, it is actually a very serious time. 

In Luke 3:21-22, Jesus is baptized. Why? Because He wanted the whole world to know that He loved God and would follow God no matter what. As Jesus was being baptized, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him, and God said, "You are My Son, whom I love, with You I am well pleased." Now that you have trusted Christ as your Savior and Lord let's think about that decision. 

To become a Christian, you:

1. Realized that you have sinned. The Bible says: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) That means you have done some things, said some things, and thought some things that aren't pleasing to God. 

2. Repented of your sins or turned away from your sins. Basically, you said to God that you don't want to do that stuff anymore. The Bible says: "But unless you repent, (turn away from your sins) you too will all perish." (Luke 13:3) 

3. Asked Jesus to come into your life and lead you. The Bible says: "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13) 

4. Committed yourself to be like Jesus. You decided to live like Jesus, to put Him in charge of your life. And as a result, you have become a child of God. The Bible says: "Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)

5. You are headed for heaven and an incredible life following Jesus on earth! 

(If you still are not sure about your commitment to Jesus, call your Student Pastor immediately. Talk about it with them and get things figured out.) 

Now that you are sure you have Jesus as your Lord (boss) and Savior, it is important that you get baptized. Why? Let me give you three good reasons (as your parents would say!) 

1. Jesus Set the Example. "As soon as Jesus was baptized…" (Matthew 3:16), Jesus was baptized! 

2. Jesus Commanded It. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19) Jesus wants you to be baptized. Why? 

3. By being baptized, you show everyone else your commitment and that you are not ashamed of God.

Romans 1:16 says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. 

Jesus doesn't want you to be ashamed of your decision to follow Him. He wants you to be proud of Him just like He is proud of you. 

Is baptism necessary for me to become a Christian? No. When you asked Jesus to come into your life, it was at that time you became a follower of Jesus. Baptism shows that you're serious about following Jesus. 

What if I was baptized when I was little? That's great. That was your parents' way of dedicating you to the Lord. The Bible says: "Those who accepted Jesus' message were baptized." (Acts 2:41) Now that you have accepted Jesus in your life, it is time for you to make your stand for Jesus! 

When you asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, it was just the BEGINNING OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. There is more, so much more. Don't stop here. You have just begun a life-long, incredible adventure that will continue beyond death into eternity. 

So After Baptism, What? 

1. Worship The Lord. Go to church as much as you can. This will help you to be stronger in the Lord, and it is a great way to become friends with other Christian students.  

2. Study the Bible. A great book of the Bible to start reading is LUKE. If you have any questions as you read the Bible, don't hesitate to call your Student Pastor. Try to read one chapter a day. Highlight the stuff that blows you away and put question marks by the verses you don't understand. 

3. Pray Each Day. Prayer is just talking to God. I talk to God all day long. It is important that every day you spend some time talking to God and telling Him how life is going. God wants to be in on all of your life. 

4. Tell Others About What Jesus Has Done For You! Aren't you glad someone told you about Jesus? I'm sure you know several people who need to meet Jesus just as you have. Tell them about what Jesus has done for you and invite them to church. 

5. Face The Future Confidently. Your sins are forgiven. You have a friend in Jesus, and you have an eternal home in heaven awaiting you. 

God has a great plan and purpose for your life. If you have already been baptized, that is super. If you have never been baptized AFTER you asked Jesus to come into your life, talk to your parents and then to your Student Pastor and set up your baptismal date. It will be a moment you will never forget. 

Time Out:
1. Have you ever been baptized by immersion? (Dunked under the water.)


2. What to you is the significance of baptism?


3. The word baptize means to dip under the water. Check out a few baptisms in the New Testament. Look up Acts 8:38-39 and Matthew 3:16.


4. If you haven't been baptized after you asked Christ into your life, you need to. Baptism shows everyone how serious you are about your relationship with Jesus. If you haven't been baptized, talk to one of the Student Pastors today.

"For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16,