Remix: Student Devotionals

Becoming a Disciple - Week 1, Day 2

I'm Good at What? (Making a Difference)

If you want to be used by God, you have to ask yourself, “what am I good at?”

Think about it: 

  • Jerry Seinfeld tells jokes.   
  • Tom Cruise acts.
  • Napoleon Dynamite dances. 
  • The Kansas City Chiefs score touchdowns on the Denver Broncos. 

What are you so good at that people say, “I wish I could do that?” God made you good at that, and He wants to use you to help others and point others to Him. 

God has been using people’s gifts and abilities since the beginning of time. 

  • God used Moses’ leadership to deliver 2 million slaves from the Egyptian Pharaoh. 
  • God used Nehemiah’s gift of administration to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in only 52 days. 
  • In the book of Acts, there was a woman named Dorcas, who used the gift of mercy to care for the sick and the poor. God even raised her from the dead because He was so pleased with her, and probably because he felt sorry that her mom and dad named her Dorcas. 

What are you good at that can help other people? Maybe you are good at fixing stuff. Maybe you are a great listener. Maybe you are good at technology. Maybe you work well with children. Maybe you are good at a sport, and you could use your influence to give credit and honor to God. 

These gifts may seem insignificant to you, but they aren’t to the one who needs help. I am so thankful that so many of you are serving God in your sweet spot around here. 

I am so thankful that we have Kids Planet team members that love kids. I appreciate all of our friendly greeters and the Pit Stop volunteers who love to work on cars for single moms. I’m thankful for the people who run sound, video, and cameras because they love using technology to make sure the message of Jesus is clearly heard. 

How can you use the gifts God has given you to make a difference in someone else’s life? Maybe you could mow someone’s grass or take some cookies to an elderly person in your neighborhood! Maybe a person in your school could really use a friend, or there is something you can do to help your mom or dad out this week. Maybe it’s time to sign up for a ministry at church where you can use your abilities to help the church be more effective for Jesus. Maybe you sing, or perhaps you play an instrument. What can you do, and how can you use it for the Kingdom of God? 

Time Out: 

Look up Acts 2:42-47 and answer the following questions. 

  1. In verse 42, the Bible says the early church devoted themselves to four things.  What were they? 

Apostles'  (They took seriously the Word of God.)

(That is just a fancy word that means they had a really deep friendship between each other.)

(They ate together.)

(They prayed big hairy audacious prayers.)

  • 2. As a result of those four things, what happened to the early church? Look at verse 43. 


(They looked out for each other, they helped each other.)

those who were being

The church is supposed to be a place where we look out for each other and help each other.  Are you doing your part in helping our church be all that it can be for the Kingdom of God? If no, what are you going to do about it? 

Memory Verse: 

"Then I heard the Lord asking, 'Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?' I said, 'Here I am. Send me.'"

Isaiah 6:8