Remix: Student Devotionals

Becoming a Disciple - Week 5, Day 3

Who is This Jesus, Anyway? (Resemble Jesus)

· 50% say they are stressed out.
· 55% say they are confused.
· 74% say they are seeking an answer. (Thankfully, there is hope.) 

We get caught up in the worries of this world. We have things to do, places to go, people to see. How do we somehow get a handle on our lives and make sure we are living our lives the way Christ would want us to live them?

The only way you or I are going to be able to handle life is if we are students who try our best to resemble Jesus. In Ephesians 5:1-2, the Bible says, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us.” Then verse 10 says, “find out what pleases the Lord.”

Question: Are you a person that resembles Jesus? God’s primary purpose for us is not to be the best cheerleader, band student, basketball player, pizza maker, etc. Our purpose and focus should be to be like Christ.

When it comes to resembling Jesus with your life, you have to understand who Jesus is. Understand this—Jesus was a simple man. Life in the fast lane will eventually burn you out. Many people think that the more you are involved in and the more you do, the more fulfilled you become. Jesus was a simple man. His daily goal was simple. Do what God wants Me to do.

We rush into activities, and we never stop to ask God if this is something He wants us to spend our time on. Then our lives get stressed out because we have got more to do and not enough time to do it all, so how do you make sure you don’t keep falling into the pit of too much activity?

How can we simplify our lives? It’s pretty easy.


1. Are you in God’s word every day?
2. Are you really talking to God?
3. Are you really seeking God?
4. Do you desire Jesus more than other things?
5. Are you too busy for God?

If you are too busy for God, you are busier than He intends for you to be. By seeking God and his will daily, you are less likely to commit yourself to do that which He doesn’t want you to do. Even if it is good stuff, it might not be God’s best. Let the Lord lead you. Jesus was a simple man. He just wanted to do the will of God. Do you?

Jesus was a servant. Are you looking out for the interest of other people? All people? Do you love all and serve all regardless of race or social status? What profit is there in loving those that love you? Jesus said to love your enemies. Do you love and serve your enemies? When was the last time you did something nice for someone else and expected no recognition for what you had done? Are you a humble person? Are you a servant?

Jesus was secure. He didn’t care what other people thought of Him. He had God’s full approval, and that was enough. Wouldn’t it be great if we were so secure in God’s love that we didn’t need to worry about other people’s opinions?

Do you resemble Jesus? When people look at your life, do they see Jesus in you? Do your parents? If I were to ask your friends at school about you, would they even know that you are a Christian? A lot to think about today.


1. If I were to ask your friends at school about you, would they even know that you are a Christian? Why or why not?

2. Do you resemble Jesus?

3. In Ephesians 5:1, what are we supposed to be doing? Do you do that?

4. In Ephesians 5:8-13, what are we supposed to find out, and what are we supposed to stay away from?

Talk to God today and ask Him to tell you what it is that pleases Him. If you don’t get an answer, look in the Bible in Micah 6:8.

Memory Verse:

 "And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments."

1 John 2:3