Remix: Student Devotionals

Easter Bible Reading Plan, Day 3

Day Three: Arrest & Trial

After the Last Supper, Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. It's after a long night of praying that Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested. The Twelve Disciples, Jesus' closest friends, all flee. Then Jesus is taken to Pilate, the Roman Governor, where the Jewish leaders are hoping that he'll sentence Jesus to death. 

Mark 15:1-20

1. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent. But he asked the crowd for their opinion. "Who should I set free? Jesus? Or the murderer, Barabbas?" The people shouted, "Barabbas!" Has there been a moment you made a bad decision because of peer pressure? Did you stand up for what you believed in, or did you just go with the flow?

2. Jesus was sentenced to death by the crowd's opinion, by a bunch of people that just went with the flow. The Pharisees were the ones that swayed the crowd. What are some people, music, videos, or anything in your life that is a bad influence on you? How do those things lead you away from Jesus?

3. What are some good influences you need in your life that will help you grow in your relationship with Jesus?

4. Jesus promises to give us an abundant life full of meaning and purpose -- a life that makes a difference in this world. But He also warns us that, just like He did, we'll face persecution. Read what Jesus tells us in John 16:33.

  • According to this verse, where do we find our peace?
  • When you think about Easter, how do you know that Jesus has "overcome the world?"

6. Spend some time talking with God about your fears and about the ways that people have persecuted you or made you feel bad for being a Christian. Then ask Him to help you find peace in Him, not in what other people think about you -- to care more about what He thinks of you, instead of what everybody else thinks. Thank Him that Jesus never quit on us, even when He was condemned, humiliated, beaten. That's love. That's someone worth standing up for.