Remix: Student Devotionals

Easter Bible Reading Plan, Day 4

Day Four: Death & Burial

Jesus is mocked, beaten, whipped, and forced to carry His cross. This is the darkest day in history. 

Read Mark 15:24-39.

1. The people mocked Jesus. "He can't even save Himself?" But we know different. He could have quit any time. 

Read John 3:16.

2. According to that verse, why do you think Jesus allowed His life to be taken from Him? Why did He stay on the cross? What did His death accomplish for you?

Read Romans 5:8.

3. According to this verse, why did Jesus have to die? Who did He die for?

Did you put your name in that last box? Me too. Jesus paid the price for our sins that you and I could never have paid. That's a gift called grace that we could never earn.

4. Is that a hard idea for you to understand?

5. Do you ever feel like you have to earn God's love by doing all the "right" things and following all of the rules?

6. How would you explain all of this to someone else? If you're not sure, watch these short videos to see how.

7. Closeout this time by remembering what Jesus did for you on the cross. If it helps, take a couple of minutes to reread Mark 15:24-39. Jesus had you in mind as He endured all of that. He held nothing back. Is there a part of your life (in your relationships with friends/family/dating, in how you treat people, even think about people) that you're holding back from Him? Pray and give that part of your life to Him. Be wholehearted for the One who is wholehearted for you.