Remix: Student Devotionals

Sin and Temptation: Week 1, Day 2

Day 2: Remember Wrong is Always Wrong

It won't hurt a thing if I copy this assignment from him. Who will know? Anyway, it's a stupid assignment. None of us should have to have done it in the first place.

P-A-R-T-Y. Oh, yea! Oh, there's going to be alcohol and drugs there. Whatever...what's the big deal with that? Everyone is going. Wait... is it the party of the year? I’m for sure going. I just won't drink. Right! Right?

Jill come on, if you love me, you'll let me. I thought we had something special between us. I'm going to marry you someday.

Look, there's Bill. What a dork! Hey Bill, you overgrown puss bucket. Is that your face, or has someone been drilling for oil? You have more whiteheads than Colorado has mountains.

Wrong is always wrong, no matter what. Unfortunately, this year at school, you're going to have many opportunities to mess up and make being a Christian look weak and stupid. So you need to prepare yourself now for how you're going to react to all the different situations in the future.

My advice to you is don’t play with sin. Don’t try to make the sin that you are thinking about ok in your mind. Don’t try to convince yourself that it’s ok to do this because you aren’t as bad as so and so. Don't play with sin. Satan is the master of deception, manipulation, and making you think wrong is right. Satan will always help you to make some of the most incredible excuses for sin. Don't be fooled. God cannot be mocked. Use Jesus as your weapon against Satan's schemes and come out on top by kicking Satan down.

Time Out:

Read James 4:17
What does this verse tell us about sin?

Has there ever been something you knew you should not do, but you did it anyway? What was it?

How did God view that?

What are some ways in which Satan could trick you into believing that wrong is right?

Write your answer here.

What exceptional measures do you need to take to ensure that Satan doesn’t trick or trip you up?


“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10