Remix: Student Devotionals

Why Am I Here? - Week 1, Day 2

Day 2: What is the Center of My Life?

For you to have a life of purpose and meaning, the first question you need to have a great answer to is:

What will be the center of my life? 

Another way to put it is like this:

Who or what am I going to live for?

We all have to have something that is the very center of our life. Something in which everything else builds around. There are a lot of options. Some people build their lives around their: 

  • family
  • job/career
  • making money
  • their friends
  • some even center their life around Jesus Christ 

God made us to know Him and love Him. The whole reason He made us in the first place was to walk with us and talk with us and do life together with us. The greatest thing we can do with our life is to get to know God better and love Him more every day of our life.

Let me ask you, do you love the Lord? Do you think about Him, talk to Him, and spend time with Him? Is He the center of your life? Does everything you do and say revolve around Him? If the answer is no, that may be the reason you still feel so empty inside. 

We were made by God and for God, and the only thing that will fill the void we have inside is a relationship with God. Notice I said a relationship with God. God doesn't want you to just know about Him; He wants you to know Him personally. 

Do you know who the president of the United States is? Sure you do. Do you know him personally? There is a difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone. God wants you to get to know Him and do life together with Him. 

One of my favorite stories is about a Shakespearean actor who was known far and wide for his one-man show of reading and recitations. He would end every performance with a dramatic reading of the 23rd Psalm. Each night, without exception, the actor would begin with his recitation, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." At the conclusion of the Psalm, the crowd would rise in thunderous applause at the actor's ability to bring the verses back to life. 

One night though, just before the actor was to end his performance with the 23rd Psalm, a young man spoke up from the audience and asked if he could recite the 23rd Psalm. The actor was surprised but allowed the man to come forward and stand front and center to recite the Psalm, knowing that this unskilled man would be no match for his own talent. With a soft voice, the man began to recite the words. When he was finished, there was no applause. There was no standing ovation like there had been on so many nights before. All that could be heard was the sound of weeping. 

The young man's recitation had so moved the audience that every eye was full of tears. Amazed by what he heard, the actor said to the young man, "I don't understand. I have been performing the 23rd Psalm for years. I am experienced and trained, yet I have never moved an audience like you have tonight. What is your secret?" 

The young man replied, "You know the Psalm. I know the Shepherd." 

Is Jesus the center of your life? You were made by Him and for Him, and nothing will satisfy you other than a close and personal relationship with God. Stop making the center of your life your sports or your grades, or some relationship with a guy or a girl. Put Jesus at the center of your life, and the purpose for life will become crystal clear. 

Time Out: 

1. Who or what is the center of your life?

2. Do you want God to be the center of your life?

3. How does a person center their life on God?

4. Check out the following verses and write down what we should be giving our lives to. 

  • Matthew 6:33
  • Matthew 22:38-39

"For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him." Colossians 1:16