Small Group Studies

The End Week 1 Study

Perhaps one of the greatest promises we have in Scripture is the promise that one day Jesus will return. We can cling to this promise on our hardest, darkest, and best days. Jesus is coming back. Because of this promise, we can have hope. Today we will begin studying w...

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Trouble Maker Week 10 Study

Can you imagine how Jesus’ followers and loved ones felt on the day Jesus died? I am sure there was grief, confusion, and a sense of deep loss of purpose now that it appeared that their teacher had been killed. If I could go comfort Jesus’ disciples and loved ones during th...

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Trouble Maker Week 9 Study

Winter solstice, December 21st, is the darkest day of the year. However, after the 21st, the days become gradually lighter. Yes, it is a dark day, but the light always comes following that day. Similarly, each day in Jesus’ last week appeared to be getting darker...

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Trouble Maker Week 8 Study

BIG IDEA What would you do if you knew you had one week to live? Maybe you would gather all of your loved ones and spend time with them. Maybe you would eat a meal at your favorite restaurant and order at least t...

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Trouble Maker Week 7 Study

BIG IDEA We use the word “miracle” often. The other day, I put my niece and nephew to bed by 7:30 pm, and I thought I had witnessed a miracle. The truth is, we use the word so casually that it loses i...

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Trouble Maker Week 6 Study

BIG IDEA Who was your favorite teacher growing up? Mine was my tenth-grade English teacher. She told great stories, was interesting, and made our entire class enthusiastic about reading classic literature, which ...

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Trouble Maker Week 5 Study

BIG IDEA When Jesus began His ministry on earth, He chose to pick a group of 12 men to be His close followers or disciples. This was not unexpected. After all, it was custom for a Jewish rabbi to have a group of ...

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Trouble Maker Week 4 Study

BIG IDEA Have you ever felt misunderstood? It can be quite frustrating. We can work very hard to be clear and communicate well, but sometimes we still end up being misunderstood. We may even be misunderstood, at ...

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Love God, Love Others Study

BIG IDEA My friends have a little boy they are trying to teach the difference between the words “like” and “love.” They often teach this difference by repeatedly saying, “We like thi...

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Trouble Maker Week 3 Study

BIG IDEA Today we are talking about something that we can all relate to: temptation. From the moment we are children facing the temptation to sneak extra cookies in the kitchen (at least my three-year-old niece faces this!) to to...

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