Small Group Studies

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way Week 2

When sin entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God had instructed them not to eat, shame entered along with it. Suddenly Adam and Eve's eyes were opened, and the first emotion they felt was shame, and they immediately tried to cover up the shame they f...

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It's Not Supposed to Be This Way Week 1

This week marks the first week of spring. It is truly a beautiful time of year as temperatures begin to warm up and things bloom. However, spring is unpleasant for allergy sufferers, and much of their time will be spent indoors to avoid significant allergy symptoms. Ye...

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A Time for Change Week 1

There are two types of people in this world: those who like change and those who fear change. Whether we embrace or run from it, change is inevitable, for better or worse. While some types of change can be difficult, others can be wonderful. For example, when Jesus cam...

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Queen of Hearts Week 2

When was a time someone asked you to do something that felt impossible? How did you respond? For me, I was tasked as a college student to navigate my college church group through the city of New York without any help. I am horrible with directions, so as you can imagin...

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Queen of Hearts Week 1

Comfort zones have their name for a reason: they are comfortable. When everything is perfect, and when we feel safe and secure, we are, in fact, comfortable. The problem is, however, our comfort zones can hold us back and keep us from embracing the lives God has called us to live. Toda...

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Dead End Desperation Week 6

What was the last thing that you lost? Maybe you lost your car keys, wallet, jewelry, or something else valuable to you. The feeling of panic and concern that we feel when we realize that we have lost something is not fun. While losing these items is not fun, the Bible...

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Dead End Desperation Week 5

When my nephew learned to do the monkey bars, I wanted to try too. I thought, “How hard can it be? After all, My 6-year-old nephew knows how to do this!” I quickly discovered as I began to try the monkey bars that I could not even move one arm. It was so to...

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Dead End Desperation Week 4

When it comes to using all of our gifts and talents to know Christ and make Christ known, many people hold back because they do not believe they have much to offer. We tend to look at the big things God has called us to do and think we are unqualified and unequipped. T...

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Dead End Desperation Week 3

We all go through desperate situations in our lives. This truth is one we are all well-acquainted with as human beings. Because sin came into the world through Adam and Eve, we will have times that feel out of our control and extremely difficult. You may even be walkin...

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Dead End Desperation Week 2

When we give our lives to Christ, everything changes. He gives us salvation, hope, peace, and so much more. He also gives us gifts and talents, so He can use us to make a difference. When we leverage our gifts and talents for Him, we have the opportunity to have a significant impact. W...

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