Remix: Student Devotionals

Authentic Faith - Week 2, Day 3

Day 3: You Need to Get Dunked (Baptism) In the church I grew up in, they had this beautiful place to baptize people. It was made of glass. From the top of the person's head to the bottom of their feet, we could see it all.  There was one young boy named Mike ...

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Authentic Faith - Week 2, Day 2

Day 2: How Do You Feel? (Faith Isn't Feelings) Feelings come, and feelings go. Have you ever thought about how feelings-oriented the world we live in is? If it feels good, do it. How does it feel? Do you feel alright? How do you feel about that? Do you feel like you s...

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Authentic Faith - Week 2, Day 1

Day 1: How Close Do You Want to Be to Christ?  One day, hopefully, a long time from now, you will be dying. Don't get too sad about it right now. This eventually happens to everyone. Statistics tell us that most people take a long time to die. I'm told t...

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Authentic Faith - Week 1, Day 2

Day 2: Most Important Decision You Can Make (ABC's) We found out yesterday we are not supposed to base our relationship with God on our feelings or our goodness, so how does someone know for sure that they are a Christian?  The question we have to ask ourselv...

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Authentic Faith - Week 1, Day 1

Day 1: Am I Going to Heaven When I Die?  If we were to ask people on the street if they knew for sure that they would go to heaven when they died, we would probably get many different responses. Most people would probably say, "I hope so" or, "I think so." But, the g...

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Authentic Faith - Week 1, Day 3

Day 3: Fire Insurance (Evidence of Salvation) There is one more thing I want to say to you about what it means to be a Christian. There is an idea that some people buy into that I call "fire insurance." Some people want just enough Jesus to save them from hell, but not en...

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Why Am I Here? - Week 2, Day 3

Day 3: What will my life say? This is the last question of the week. Can you believe you did this whole thing?  Way to go. What will be the communication of your life? The average person speaks 24,000 words a day. That is a lot of talking. We talk abo...

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Why Am I Here? - Week 2, Day 2

Day 2: How will I give back? Question number three that you and I need a compelling answer to is what will be the contribution of my life? Another way to put it is, "what am I going to give back?" You and I were put on this earth to make a contribution. God says: "I made ...

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Why Am I Here? - Week 2, Day 1

Day 1: What will the character of my life be? The second question you have to have a great answer to is:What will be the character of your life? God is far more interested in who you are rather than what you do.Let's read that ...

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Why Am I Here? - Week 1, Day 1

Day 1: Why am I here on this earth? Let me start off by asking you a couple of questions: What is your purpose in life?
 Why are you here on this earth?
 When your life is over, what will you have accomplished that you can l...

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