We have a choice today: we can be loving, or we can be self-absorbed. One of the options leaves us caring for those around us, and the other leaves us caring only for ourselves. When we love others, we will naturally shift our focus to others and ways we can serve them, and whe...
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Have you ever had an idea you couldn’t get out of your head? Not a catchy jingle or commercial you saw on television, but something you knew you had to do to make a difference? God will often give us a burden, something that He cares about and wants to change in the world...
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All of us want to make a significant contribution to the world. We all want our lives to matter. Although some of us may have differing opinions on what significance means, this desire to make an impact is directly from God. The question is, how does God define significance? Wh...
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“Who am I going to spend my life with?” For those who are single, this is a question we must work through. It is also a question we must lead the children in our lives to work through and process. This is not a decision for anyone, including the children in our live...
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“What will be the character of our lives?” This is the question on the table today. At the end of the day, we are asking what our reputation will be? Will we be known as people of character, who loved and honored God with our lives, or will we be known as people who...
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As we think about our lives and the people that we want to become, we must ask and answer the question, "What will be the center of our lives?" We must also help our children ask and answer that question. Will we center our lives around things on earth, like people, status, wea...
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In today's world, where we can get almost anything at our fingertips in an instant, gratitude has become more and more of a lost art. What we used to view as unexpected gifts and blessings have become expectations. This is not the way it should be. It is time that you and I tak...
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Without a question, in light of everything that has happened in our lives over the past 5 months or so, each one of us has experienced stress. When it feels like the ground beneath our feet is shaking, and everything feels out of our control, the temptation to give in to stress...
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Today we are talking about a monsoon that each and one of us faces: temptation. We face certain temptations each and every day. We are tempted toward things such as anger, gluttony, laziness, lust, envy, greed, and many more things. As we think about these things, the question ...
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