Small Group Studies

Pressure Point: Week 1

In this weekend's sermon, we heard that Barna's research reported that 65% of 18 to 42-year-old people in the United States have made a personal commitment to Christ, yet most of these people are not committed to Jesus in every area of their lives. This kind of lifesty...

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Lifeline Week:3

We heard in the weekend message that a recent survey said that 36% of all Americans reported feeling lonely most of the time. Loneliness is an epidemic that is becoming more and more prevalent in our world. God never intended for loneliness to take over the human condi...

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Lifeline Week 2

Anxiety has become rampant in our society. From young students to adults, the enemy has unleashed a war of anxiety against us. Anxiety leaves us feeling helpless and hopeless as if there is no way out. We are, however, left alone in our anxiety. Scripture makes it clear that there is h...

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Lifeline Week 1

All of us need a lifeline at times in our lives. One of the times we need a lifeline is when we face temptation. Temptation often makes us feel isolated, hopeless, and alone, but we are never without hope or left alone when tempted. So today, we will take a deep dive into Scripture to ...

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Bride and Gloom Week 6

One thing that is very clear about relationships is that they take work. We cannot put minimal effort into our relationships and expect to have great relationships. We have to work to have strong and thriving relationships with anyone. This is particularly true in our ...

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Bride and Gloom Week 5

When it comes down to it, most people in our lives want to know that they are loved unconditionally. This is particularly true of the children in our lives. All of us want to know that we are loved no matter what. That is why the late Mr. Rogers was known for saying, "I like you just t...

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Bride and Gloom Week 4

All relationships take work. Each of us have different opinions, life circumstances, hopes, and dreams, so it is only natural that conflict and frustration occur. The question we have to ask ourselves is, “What do we do when conflict arises”? Rachel and Lea...

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Bride and Gloom Week 3

After God created Adam, the first person ever created, He saw that it was not good that He was alone in Genesis 2. In response, He created Eve as a helper to live life alongside him. We have enjoyed the gift of having deep relationships, from our spouses to members of ...

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Bride and Gloom Week 2

What comes to mind when you think of the word “influence”? Do you think of a person who has influenced you? Do you think of someone you know who is too easily influenced? The Oxford Dictionary defines influence as “the capacity to have an effect on th...

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Bride and Gloom Week 1

What comes to mind when you think of the word “wait”? Does this word remind you of something you are waiting on? Does hearing this word bring up automatic impatience and frustration within you? Regardless of what this word brings to mind, we all have had ex...

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